About Us


To advocate, educate and plan for a more prosperous and dynamic Greater Dallas.


Many Voices United to Shape the Future of the Dallas Region.


  • Advocate for the long-term economic vitality of the region.

  • Offer a collaborative platform for driving positive change.

  • Educate and empower the community through engagement and resources.

  • Create meaningful impacts at both local and regional levels.

  • Foster a diverse and inclusive membership.

  • Promote equitable outcomes in all initiatives.

  • Champion the integration of technology and innovation.

  • Influence sustainable planning and development practices.

One City One Region.

  • The Greater Dallas Planning Council (GDPC), established in 1946, is the oldest civic organization in the Dallas area dedicated to shaping regional growth. Its membership comprises professionals from architecture, planning, construction, development, real estate, and local government, who collaborate to evaluate policies and promote the long-term sustainability of Dallas and the surrounding region.

    GDPC’s core focus areas include urban design, economic development, transportation, water, energy, and education.

  • The Council is organized into four task forces — Mobility, Urban Design, Environment & Natural Resources, Technology & Innovation — that work together to develop policy recommendations and design concepts, which are then presented to local leaders and the media.

    In addition to its monthly breakfast meetings, GDPC hosts four signature events: the South Urban Summit,
    North Urban Summit, Annual Meeting, and the Trinity Urban Design Awards. These events provide a platform for local leaders and stakeholders to engage in discussions on key regional issues.

    • Played a pivotal role in the development and implementation of the Dallas Plan.

    • Underwrote the feasibility study for the outer loop freeway system.

    • Contributed to the creation of Dallas' long-range water plan.

    • Supported and provided strategic planning for both Love Field and DFW Airports.

    • Led environmental initiatives, including the restoration of White Rock Lake and the "Keep Dallas Beautiful" campaign (formerly a GDPC initiative, now an independent organization).

    • Contributed significant time and expertise to the Trinity River Corridor Project for two decades.

    • Collaborated with a trio of organizations to produce the Planning Policies Issues Papers, resulting in a comprehensive overhaul of the city’s zoning ordinances.

    • Supported Vision North Texas and its regional planning efforts.

    • Provided peer review on alignment alternatives for DART's D2 Second Downtown Light Rail Transit Line.

    • Authored a position paper on the proposed Trinity Toll Road alternative.